Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulatri, Ni Made Andry Anita Dewi


The genres and themes in popular novels are increasingly diverse. In Indonesia's popular novels, it can be found the influences of foreign cultural elements, such as Japanese culture. Popular novels that contain aspects of Japanese have been widely published, such as Tomodachi (2014) novel by Winna Efendi, Fuurin (2014) by Ghyna Amanda Putri, Haru no Sora (2015) by Laili Muttaminah, and others. This study examines the aspects of Japanese on popular novels written by Indonesian authors. The objectives of this study are to map Indonesian popular novels that reflected elements of Japanese and to analyse the aspects of Japanese. Based on the results of the analysis, aspect of Japanese can be found on 1) Japanese characters as novel characters; 2) places in Japan as story background; 3) novel titles related to Japan; 4) using Japanese terms and expressions; 5) novel’s cover displays elements of Japanese culture; and 6) author using Japanese pen names.

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