
Maulluddul Haq


In this research, adapted version of BALLI was employed to analyze belief of Japanese language learners in West Sumatera universities. This research was conducted in universities in West Sumatera provinces due to the highest numbers of Japanese language learners outside of provinces in Java Island.  Questionnaire included BALLI, informant background information and open ended question to find out learners beliefs. Informants were divided into 2 groups; 1 year students and senior students.   Japanese learners in West Sumatera universities beliefs that, a person who has talent or special ability in learning foreign language can easily master a language. They also belief that everyone can learn a language, so that special ability wasn`t necessary in order to learn new language.  Many Japanese learners were attracted by Japanese sub-culture to learn Japanese language. 1 year students group beliefs that 1 or 2 years is enough to become proficient in Japanese language eventhough you only studied 1 hour a day. Therefore they underestimated the difficulty of Japanese language. Senior students in the other hand, belief that Japanese language is difficult due to their experience in classroom. 1 year students group also said that they satisfied with their current language learning, but majority of senior students haven`t satisfied because they think they haven`t met their expectation in language learning yet.

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