Reny Rahmalina


One of the ways people react to their mental experiences and feelings is by conceptualing it into emotion words. If searched by using a dictionary, the meaning of the word emotions found is the word that is the equivalent. In order for the word emotion to be used properly, it must be known in detail the lexical meaning of each said. To know the meaning of the word kowai (怖い) used the word kowai  using a variety of japanese dictionaries. Secondly, gathered sentences containing the word kowai then analyzed the context of the sentence. These sentences come from Japanese language newspapers, magazines, or news portals that can be accesed online. After the analysis, the semantic study of the word kowai, based on the components of meaning (Mesquita, Frijda, Scherer (2002), namely: 1. Antesedan emotions: [FEAR of SELF-HARM], [MARVEL AT SOMETHING], [BECAREFUL DOING THINGS], [DEALING WITH SOMETHING], [SELFUNPREPAREDNESS]; 2. Subjective experience: [NOT QUIET/RESTLESS], [UNCOMFORTABLE], [WORRYING], [CONFUSED IN BEING]; 3. Rating: [ANTESEDEN NEGATIVE], [ANTESEDEN POSITIVE], [NEGATIVE EMOTIONS], [EMOTIONS OF UNPLEASANT], [RELATED MODESTY], [DO NOT CAUSE LOSS OF SELF-ESTEEM], [ANTESEDEN COME FROM THEMSELVES], [SUBJECTIVE]; 4. Expression of emotion: [EYE TEARY], [BLINDFOLD], [PALE FACE], [BODY SHAKING], [TURNED BODY], [BOWED HEAD], [HIDE FACE].

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