Meaning is a linguistic form that must be analyzed within the confines of the essential elements of the situation in which the speaker speaks. meaning is the relationship between languages with outside languages that are shared by the language user so that they can be mutually understood. The definition of meaning is very difficult to determine because every language user has different abilities and perspective in interpreting a speech or word. The word okashii, fushigi and hen is one example of the word synonym in Japanese which often confuses the Japanese language learners so that learners often make mistakes in using those three words. To know the difference between the word okashii, fushigi and hen in Japanese, can be seen from the meaning of these three words and their functions in the sentence. From the results of the analysis can be concluded that although equally meaningful odd, okashii have more nuance that a thing or circumstance that is wrong or less precise, dubious or suspicious, as well as funny or silly to invite laughter. Whereas, fushigi has more nuance that a thing or condition is unreasonable or unimaginable because it goes beyond ordinary knowledge or logic, astonishing, magical, and mysterious, And also hen more has the nuance that a suspicious, strange and strange things or circumstances / odd. This research was conducted by using comparative descriptive method.
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