Rahtu Nila Sepni


This research purpose is to find the mistaken in reading kana and to find why that mistake happen. The data source is SLTA student’s in West Sumatera. The method used to collect the data is observational method. To analyzing the data it used comparing method and the technique is connecting and comparing technique. Interview method is also used to answer the research question. To collecting the data the tapping method is used. The technique is writing technique, and the continuation technique is uninvolved conversation observation technique. Base on the research, the mistaken found are about form that could be separate in three ways, there are: mistaken on reading the kana silable, like: サ/sa/ silable read セ/se/, マ/ma/ silable, read ム/mu/. ホ/ho/ silable, read オ/o/. This mistaken occur because of the resemble both of the silable. The second mistaken are mistaken on rule reading. Those are: particle of は/wa/ read は/ha/, particle へ/e/ read へ /he/, combination silable read as singular silable, like: りょ/ryo/ read りよ/riyo/. Another mistaken is the mistaken of reading Roman alphabet which found in the sentences and the silable of っ’little tsu” was not read by double consonant. The mistaken happen because the student didn’t know the rule of read some of kana alphabet which has special reading. The last mistaken is mistake on pronounce the alphabet. There are: ん/ ñ / at the end of words read /n /, しゅ/shu/ alphabet read す/su/, つ/tsu/ alphabet read す/su/. Than, double vowel in katakana「-」either in hiragana「いい、おお、うお」that not read as long vowel but singular vowel. The reason of this mistake is the unusually of the tongue to pronounce some of the kana’s sound.

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