Ruri Fadhillah Hakim


This thesis is about the Japanese interference interms ofthe working memorycapacity in the brain of Andalas University Japanese Literaturestudent by Neurolinguistic perspective. This studyaim to examining the forms of Indonesian interference into Japanese, and to identifying relation between the working memory capacity of brain with language interference. Research data collection is done by applying the method of observation by observing thereading abilityas measured by the reading span test and interference test. Data analysis was performed using referential method and distributional method by applying subtitution techniques, intrusion techniques, and deletion techniques. The results ofthe data analysis are presented using formal and informal methods. The results shows that the working memory capacity of Japanese literature student in 2012 class was 57% with a medium interpretation. Furthermore, it was found that the brain's memory suffered proactive and retroactive interference in speech producing. The results of this study also indicate the presence of interference in Japanese on students with forms of interference were found are: (1) Interference morphology in the form of interference di- -kan affix and interference reduplication; (2) Interference semantics in the form of interference on the verb, adjective, noun phrases and pronouns; (3) Interference of Syntax in the form of interference noun + de + norimasu particles, interference mashita verb form (past), interference adjective / phrase adjektifa + noun / noun phrase, interference noun + noun, noun + interference the verb form of masu, interference subjunctive, interference form the passive voice, interference the use of o, ga, and ni particle. Furthermore, it was found that there is a correlation between working memory capacity with interferencein learning Japanese language, and the variables that affectthe relationship between interferencein information storagein the form of stimulus words in the working memory capacity are (1) the number of stimulus sentences in stimulation on memory load, (2) semantic link age word, (3) the position ofthe wordand, (4) variations in the type ofword. This study proved that the dominance of usage the target language in foreign language teaching more effective in habituation and comprehension the students.

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