Analisis Kesalahan Penulisan Kana Siswa SLTA Sumatera Barat

Rahtu Nila Sepni, Gusdi Sastra, Lady Diana Yusri


This study describes the error kana’s writing and the percentage of errors by high school students in West Sumatra. Methods used in this study is interview method. The technique used tansemuka, that conducted without face to face with the data source.

The data source are high school student in West Sumatra that studying Japanese. From this study it was found that the percentage error writing as the following: は [ha] 20%、ほ [ho] 33%、や [ya] 23%、き [ki] 23%、よ [yo] 23%、ふ [fu] 53%、も [mo] 37%、お [o] 23%、け [ke] 17%、た [ta] 20%、ぬ [nu] 30%、な [na] 17%、が [ga] 23%、ざ [za] 13%、を[wo] 10%、ホ [ho] 20%、ヨ [yo] 33%、フ [fu] 20%、ケ [ke] 23%、ヤ [ya] 17%、オ [o] 23%、モ [mo] 50%、キ [ki] 13%、タ [ta] 20%チ [chi] 20%, ウ [u] 27%、ネ [ne] 30%、ル [ru] 20%、ジ [ji] 23%、ン [n] 7%.

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